Newspaper Articles on Malcolm X


Islamic Followers Convene at Love Feast, To Erect New Temple in New York; The Pittsburgh Courier, July 28, 1956

Moslems Take Time Out for Food and Talk; The Pittsburgh Courier, August 4, 1956

When the Moslems Invaded Atlanta, GA; The Pittsburgh Courier, September 22, 1956

"We Are Rising From the Dead Since We Heard Messenger Muhammad Speak"; The Pittsburgh Courier, December 15, 1956


Malcolm X Preaches From Pulpit Of Abyssinian Bapt. in New York; The Pittsburgh Courier, June 15, 1957

Leaders Of Moslem Indonesia Visit Harlem; The New York Age, July 20, 1957 


Malcolm X Married!; The Pittsburgh Courier, January 25, 1958

Malcolm X Hurls Challenge at Negro Preachers; The Pittsburgh Courier, April 12, 1958


Black Nationalists Wooed By Militant Negro Groups; The Daily News, March 26, 1964

Malcolm X, King Hold Own 'Debate' In Senate Halls; Detroit Free Press, March 27, 1964

Philbert X Rips 'Wayward Brother'; Detroit Free Press, March 27, 1964

Malcolm X Finds 'White Brothers'; Detroit Free Press, May 9, 1964


Whiteman and the Hypocrites Love Malcolm; Muhammad Speaks, October 3, 1969

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